Cellular/Nebular I
Visions STLS VI
Cellular/Nebular II
Cellular/Nebular III
Cellular/Nebular IV
Cellular/Nebular V
Cellular/Nebular VI
Nebular/Cellular VIII
Nebular/Cellular IX
Nebular/Cellular X
Nebular/Cellular XI
Cellular/Nebular XII
This series describes the correlation between neuronal and blood vessel “tree-like” branching structures along with nebulae and galaxies. This juxtaposition of the micro and the macro cosmos suggests that the bioelectrical firings between brain cells mirror the shape of expanding galaxies.
The series then continues to describe planets in space-time geometry as a physical and visual phenomenon permeating the universe.
Sequential descriptions of a single planet follow. Ultimately this planet is shown surrounded by microorganisms.